Thursday, September 23, 2010

[Guyana-Mission-Report] Flight to Guyana #2

Tuesday Evening (Sept. 21) - After arriving in Salina we taxied over to a Fix Based Operator (FBO) to try and locate a place to stay for the night.  They were very nice and offered us the free use of a "crew car".  It turned out to be an crotchety old Chrysler, but we weren't complaining!

Trying to find accommodations wasn't the easiest.  Since we were going "economical" we decided to try Motel 6.  I guess I had forgotten what Motel 6's were like.  We looked at two rooms, but finally opted for a refund, and went to Days Inn.  Much much nicer. 

Wednesday (Sept. 22) - Next morning we slept in a little.  We knew we didn't have as far to travel to get to Collegedale TN. 

Because of weather we opted to fly further south toward Memphesis before cutting across to Collegedale.  We stopped at Jonesboro for gas, but after learning that the gas was $4.99 we opted to fly to another airport where it was only $3.59 a gallon.  When you fill up 45 gallons at a shot, it makes a huge difference.

By 7pm Eastern Time we were circling for landing at Collegedale. 

Thursday (Sept. 23) - Today we spent the whole day playing around with the airplane and testing it out.  Tomorrow we'll finish up our errands and fly toward Florida.  Luke and I will spend the weekend with a pastor friend of mine, and then early Sunday morning we'll shoot out across the water toward Guyana.

Thank you for your prayers.


James & Joy Ash
121 Durban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana
874 South McDonald SW
McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842

[Guyana-Mission-Report] Trip to Guyana #1

Here's an update on our long trip to Guyana.  

Monday (Sept. 20) - Everyone was working hard to get the airplane ready to go.  Our original goal was to depart early Sunday morning, but we kept encountering things to do. When it comes to airplanes, there is an endless list of things to do.  Mike, Larry, and Andy (the mechanics) did an awesome job getting the airplane ready to fly.

By 4pm Luke (my cousin) and I were airborn.  First stop - Mt. Hood.  I was going to scatter the ashes of my Grandparents on the eastern slope of Mt. Hood as they had requested, but true to its name, "Hood was under the hood".  So unfortunately we had to abandon the idea and turn toward Walla Walla

Enroute to my brother's house in Walla Walla, we dropped in to see a good friend in the Dalles. 

Tuesday (Sept. 21) - Day started at 3am.  Checking weather and planning the route of flight.  By 5:30 we were out the door heading for the airport.  As the sun was rising into the sky, so were we.  Our rout of flight - head South Westerly toward Boise and cut across.  Weather was absolutely fabulous!  Hardly a cloud in the sky.

Over the rockies we did encounter some turbulence which cause some airsickness, but we made it safely to Salina by nightfall.  Off to our left was a massive thunderstorm.  It put on quite the firework display.  

To be continued...


James & Joy Ash
121 Durban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana
874 South McDonald SW
McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842

Monday, September 20, 2010

[Guyana-Mission-Report] Flying to Guyana

We're beginning our journey to Guyana with the new Cessna 182. 
You can track our progress on the internet through our little Spot Transmitter.  The link is
We'll have stories on our blog.
Thank you for your prayers.
James & Joy Ash
121 Durban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana
874 South McDonald SW
McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842