Wednesday, August 4, 2010

[Guyana-Mission-Report] "What is in thine hand?"

This is a very interesting question that God asked Moses in Ex. 4:2.  I'm sure Moses must have stared at his rod wondering if this was a trick question.

The obvious answer was that it was "just a rod", but strangely enough the rod turned out to be more than a glorified stick.  Throughout Moses' ministry you see the "rod" surface again and again, and in each situation it does extra ordinary things.

What does this have to do with our ministry?  Three weeks ago we returned to Guyana, minus an airplane.  We didn't have any good means of transporting ourselves out to the bush, and even if we did, we would be stuck without the disposal of an aircraft.  

Well the Lord has provided one.  There is a little Cessna 150/150 tail dragger that has been sitting on the ramp at Ogle Airport.  A week ago David Gates arrived in Georgetown for a few days, and to make a long story short he was able to take time from his busy schedule to check me out in this aircraft.  

Tomorrow we plan to fly down to Region 9 to once again take the gospel torch into the darkness.  It's not easy.  There seems like an infinite amount of things to do to get ourselves out to Shea, but I praise the Lord that we have this great opportunity.

And yes, some people may see this as simply a Cessna 150 with a bigger engine, but I have no doubts that this aircraft will continue to do many extra ordinary things for God.

We have to keep going forward with what is in our hand.

The second bit of good news is that we just received word today that the Cessna 182 that is being prepared up in the States has been officially approved by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority for work in Guyana.  When the airplane arrives in the country it can immediately enter into service.

We praise the Lord for his incredible mercies to us.

God bless,

James, Joy, Jenna & Julianna

James & Joy Ash
121 Durban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana
874 South McDonald SW
McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842

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