Sunday, August 14, 2011

[Guyana-Mission-Report] Perfect Timing (again!)

I sense that the Lord is quietly putting more pieces of the puzzle together, preparing us for what could very well prove to be a landmark year of outreach and evangelism.

Just three days ago I was walking into the Davis Memorial Hospital compound just as another gentleman was catching a cab to leave. The timing couldn't have been better. Incidentally, I had talked with this gentleman on the radio about five months back, and in general terms explained that I needed him to be a bible worker in Region 8.  Since we were on a public frequency, I decided not to discuss details.   Anyway, when we saw each other in the Hospital driveway we were both pretty shocked.

Since the taxi driver was waiting on him, I asked if he would be willing to come over for supper.  That evening I spent a couple hours sharing with him my burden for opening up some new work.  I could see that God has been working on his heart and convicting him that he needs to become a bible worker again.   Four years ago he had been a GAMAS bible worker in Kopinang village, but when his fiancee left him, he lost his missionary zeal, quit bible work, and went to work in the mines.  But like Jonah running to Joppa to get away from his calling, Ray has been working as a foreman in the mines in Jawalla making good money, but still feeling a deep longing to serve the Lord.

No - it wasn't a coincidence that we bumped into each other.  And at the conclusion of our evening together, I challenged him to quit mining and go to work for the Lord again. 

He says he'll need 30 days to wrap up his mining work and then he'll come on board full time.

Before we parted ways we had a special prayer together with him, praying that God would open up new opportunities as we move forward.  The next day he caught a commercial flight back to Kamarang.

Timing – Perfect once again!  One or two minutes one way or another and we would have missed each other.

One other piece of good news is that the minibus is back together again, but the engine knocks pretty badly.  The mechanic calls it a diesel knock, and says that it is caused by too much diesel injected into the cylinder.  He'll try to fix it tomorrow, but says that he needs the whole day to adjust it.  Hopefully it won't take too much time to fix.

Must run,


James & Joy Ash
121 Durban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana
874 South McDonald SW
McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842

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